For Potential or Current
Registered Mental Health Counselor Interns

Choosing a supervisor is hard and often times cumbersome. Especially when you’re expected to cultivate a relationship for a longer period of time, it’s like signing up to enter into a long-term relationship with someone you’ve just met. You want to make sure you vibe with your qualified supervisor and that their teaching style compliments your learning style. That is why it’s best if you interview your potential qualified supervisor to make sure you mesh, and that you’re a good fit for each other.

Sometimes an employer may offer supervision for its employees as an incentive to join or remain with the agency, but that’s either hit or miss. Yes, you may be able to save some money because it’s free when it’s offered by your employer, but bear in mind, cost and value are two completely different things. It may be free, but are you actually learning and growing from it, or is it limited because it’s happening at the workplace where it’s either too business or too personal?

That’s why it’s important to ask your potential qualified supervisor the right questions. This is what our field is predicated upon, asking the right questions. What better way to start than in a safe, trusting environment with an experienced licensed mental health counselor to guide, mentor, and support you? If you’re interested in seeing if we’re a good fit, don’t hesitate to reach out and schedule a consult.